Monday, August 16, 2010

We can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

      Last week after a routine Dr.'s appointment, we were sent over to triage at Northwestern Prentice Women's Hospital to be monitored due to high blood pressure. My blood pressure was 168/98 which was a bit scary. After being monitored for two hours my blood pressure significantly dropped and we were sent home. We were a little sad to be sent home but relieved that everything was ok. Today I had another Dr.'s appointment and my blood pressure was a little high again. At this point my dr. decided that the baby is full grown and it would be best to just "bail out" by the end of the week if she hasn't decided to arrive on her own. The Dr. assured us that the baby looks great and there is no reason why we need to wait any longer if she hasn't come by the end of the week. So... if Ms. Olivia isn't here by Thursday night we will be induced late Thursday!!! :) 
      To our surprise, while we were in triage today and hooked up to the monitor we were informed I was contracting every 1-4 minutes!!! Although the contractions look to be in a normal pattern they need to become stronger! So, after my blood pressure dropped we were sent home and Danny and I went on a  4 mile walk to try and speed this process along and in hopes she comes on her own terms... we will see!!! As of now, we are extremely anxious and excited and just can't wait to meet this baby girl!  We are both so ecstatic to meet our baby girl and we are so happy there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. We will keep everyone posted with any new baby updates!!! 

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