Friday, July 30, 2010

My Growing belly!

I have truly loved watching my belly grow each and every week. It is such an amazing feeling to be pregnant and for the most part I have really enjoyed it. Now that I am 37 weeks, I am just feeling huge and ready to pop! Playing the waiting game has been extremely hard and we just can't wait to meet this little girl. Everyday seems like an eternity but we know she will be here SOON!                                                                                                           
16 weeks
19 Weeks

30 weeks 
22 Weeks 

  Full term, 37 weeks!!!! 

Baby Olivia's Room!

 We have had so much fun decorating Ms. Olivia's room! We think it turned out to be super cute and we can't wait to see her in her crib for the first time.Thanks to all of our friends and family we have all
                                                                of the stuff we need! 

Our new place!

We absolutely love our new place and have had so much fun decorating it! 

One of the most exciting things about our new place is that it has a dishwasher and a washer and dryer! 

Thanks to both of our parents, we were moved in and settled so quickly. We really couldn't have done it with out them! We hope to be in our place for a while and we both enjoy living here so much. It is going to be a great place to bring our baby home to. 

We are having a baby... GIRL!

On March 27, 2010 we found out we are having a baby...GIRL! We are both thrilled and we can't wait to meet her! She is expected to arrive around August 19th!